In a press conference, he said the first round of testing will involve 100,000 swab tests, while employers are required to set appointments with private health facilities to prevent congestion.首轮新冠筛查将启动10万次试剂检测,雇主被要求提前预约来错峰检测;
“It will start on Dec 1, starting with Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, then followed by workers in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Sabah and Labuan,” he said.1号先从雪兰莪和森美兰州,接着覆盖到吉隆坡、槟城、沙巴和纳闽地区;
The cost will be paid by both Socso and employers whose workers contribute to Socso. Employers will be able to claim a RM60 subsidy from the social security fund for every worker tested.费用将从社保费用里扣除,雇主还可以获取60马币相关补贴;
Meanwhile, for workers who do not contribute to Socso, the tests are to be fully paid by the employers.如果没有给员工交社保的雇主就需要自费处理了;
Ismail also said the human resources ministry had conducted checks on foreign worker’s accommodations provided by firms and found several that did not meet the requirements.
“We will continue to conduct checks on these companies,” he said, adding that the ministry will be announcing more details.更进一步的筛查也将会启动;
He also announced that Quran and music teachers in states under the conditional movement control order will be allowed to hold one-on-one classes in person from tomorrow.古兰经和音乐老师在管制期间允许一对一授课;
Ismail also said 308 people were arrested by the police yesterday for flouting SOPs, with 290 of them fined and 18 remanded. Ismail还说在管制期间有308人被逮捕,其中290人被罚款,以及18人被拘留;
The majority of them were punished for failing to record customers’ personal details when entering shops (78), not wearing masks (84) and not observing physical distancing (73).
There were also 28 held for crossing district and state borders without permission and 23 caught at entertainment centres.数据细节在上面大家喜欢的话可以研究一下;
The authorities also detained 40 undocumented migrants yesterday as part of the ongoing Ops Benteng campaign.移民局执法队伍本月26号还拘留了40人是非法劳工在本次突击检查中,所以说各位在风头上最好好好的待在你住的地方,别大吵大闹被邻居举报了就中招了哦,好了各位需要马来西亚燕窝或者移民局查询的欢迎随时找小曹咨询,谢谢。