Mr. Super Khan (not the real name) sent private message to Admin:
"This agent his name is Babu.He is the owner of this Facebook page AB Visa consultancy.He is promoting in Facebook that he will do visa for Illegal Immigrants. Please aware the poor foreign workers to be safe from this fake agent.
有人怀疑这个AB Visa consultancy做出来的劳工签证有假,就叫FB强人查查那个签证的真假《为什么说马来西亚劳工签不好用?尤其是对东亚人来说》;
I gave you the proof. Please check again. And if you publish please do not include my name or my details."签证图片如下:
Admin request the members, the community and the general public to assist to check and to verify the claims made by Mr. Super Khan. Perhaps, KDN and JIM can also assist to check the immigration computer database. 然后Admin强人就打算发动群众查查这两个签证真假了,这个查询操作其实也是需要付费的,不然谁会帮你查呢,详情看小曹之前的文章《马来西亚移民局系统查询各种签证真伪、黑名单以及入境被扣》,所以不管真假如何,这两个人是有些纠纷产生了,所以有些事情该讲明的都要说清楚,避免以后产生不必要的误解,拭目以待如果有粉丝查到真假了小曹再放评论版块公示出来,呵呵。