Malaysia will extend a two-week restriction of movement order and unveil a second economic stimulus package as the number of coronavirus cases continue to climb, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said on Wednesday.确诊病例的持续增多,让新任总理开出了大药方,所以马来西亚延长封国管指令会持续到4月14日,其实这个方法还是相当靠谱的,因为一个14天还不能全部让可能确诊的人都出现,那么再来一个14天就基本上能把有病毒感染的倒闭出来了,就是这个代价还真不小,好在各种航空货运还算通畅,勉强支撑经济活动的最低限度运转。
Muhyiddin said the curbs on movement would be extended another two weeks to April 14 as Malaysia had yet to see a decline in the number of new virus cases.
“I know you feel burdened but I don’t have a choice,” Muhyiddin told Malaysians in a televised address. “I have to extend the Movement Control Order for your own safety.”总理说为了大家的安全起见他也是没有办法才出此下策了。
It has linked nearly two-thirds of its infections to a religious gathering last month near the capital, Kuala Lumpur, that the government says drew more than 16,000 people. The event is also linked to more than 100 cases across Southeast Asia.这里的王炸主要集中在上次宗教集会的16000人里面出了确诊病例,所以这里面到底潜伏了多少疑似病例,大家心中都没有主,只能通过再来2周把这些人倒逼出来,目前来说宗教活动是风险最大也是最快的病毒传播方式,至于政府要出台200亿令吉的经济刺激政策是否覆盖到每个人,我们就到时且行且观察了。The government will also unveil a 20 billion ringgit“more comprehensive, people-oriented” economic stimulus package on Friday, Muhyiddin said.