很多办理过马来西亚长期签证的人都知道,按照正常程序去申请的话,那么中途是需要一封校方出具的马来西亚签证反签信的(Calling Visa Letter),主要目的就是需要你拿着这封信去到马来西亚驻中国领事馆办理单次入境签证(Single Entry Visa),那么凭着这封信,领馆通常都会给你做放行,除非你有犯罪前科或者马来西亚移民局黑名单印章在护照上面就只能OMG了。
那么马来西亚学生签证返签证都是要从哪里获取呢?按照目前马来西亚政府部门的规定,学生签证的查询都在education malaysia官网上面做查询。比如大家可以看看小曹公布的一个办理过程案例进度说明如下:
24/10/2019 Application completed Your application with EMGS is complete.
24/10/2019 Student Passport Returned Your Passport with Student Pass has been returned to your institution.
24/10/2019 Student Passport Ready for Collection Your Passport with Student Pass is ready for collection by your institution.
23/10/2019 Student Pass Issued by immigration Your Student Pass has been issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
16/10/2019 In Progress with Immigration EMGS has submitted your application to the Immigration Department of Malaysia. Please note that the issuance of student pass is entirely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
14/10/2019 In Progress with EMGS Your Passport has been received by EMGS.
09/10/2019 Pending Submission of the Student's Passport EMGS is awaiting the submission of your passport to process your Student Pass.
08/10/2019 In Progress with EMGS Student application is in progress with EMGS.
18/09/2019 VAL Approved and ready for download Congratulations, your Visa Approval Letter (VAL) is ready for download.
18/09/2019 VAL Approved Congratulations, your Visa Approval Letter (VAL) has been Approved.
13/09/2019 In Progress with Immigration Your Visa Approval Letter (VAL) application was submitted to the Immigration Department for approval purposes. The issuance of your VAL is entirely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
11/09/2019 In Progress with EMGS We are in the process of submitting your application to the Immigration Department of Malaysia for approval.
10/09/2019 In Progress with EMGS EMGS has received additional document(s) to process your application. Please note that the document(s) will be reviewed and upon approval, processing of the application will resume as normal.
06/09/2019 Pending additional document(s) from the institution Additional document(s) are required to process your application and a notification has been sent to your institution regarding this.Kindly refer to your institution for further information.
04/09/2019 Document checking is in progress Your documents are being vetted and your institution will be notified on further updates regarding your application.
03/09/2019 Application Received by EMGS Your documents along with the payment have been received.
02/09/2019 Student Record Created Documents and payment submission pending for your Visa Approval Letter(VAL) application.