最近一名斯里兰卡男子试图获得马来西亚国际护照,但他的行为被当值的移民官员成功识破。槟城州移民局局长Puan Nur Zulfa Ibrahim表示,该男子来到槟城UTC光大移民局办公室申请马来西亚国际护照,并提交了一份身份文件,显示自己是一名10岁男孩,并由一名自称是其母亲的马来西亚女子陪同。
The attempt of a male Sri Lankan citizen to obtain an International Malaysian Passport went unfulfilled when his actions were successfully detected by the immigration officer on duty.
According to Puan Nur Zulfa Ibrahim, Penang State Director of Immigration said, the subject came to the UTC Komtar Immigration Office to apply for an International Malaysian Passport and had submitted an identification document as a 10-year-old boy accompanied by a Malaysian woman who claims to be the subject’s mother.
According to him, the supervisor on duty had realized that the subject’s physical condition was not in accordance with that of a 10-year-old child and found the subject did not understand any questions being asked.
Acting from the circumstances, preliminary investigation has been carried out by the head of the office into the subject and his mother. Sabjek was found that he cannot speak Malay whereas an investigation by an Indian official found that the sabjek speech is not in the dialect of Tamil speech spoken by Indians in Malaysia.