Starting 29 July 2024 the Malaysian Immigration Department has introduced the MyBorderPass system for the purpose of immigration inspection for motorcyclists at the BSI entrance. The app can be downloaded through Google Play and Apple App Store platforms.
Users only need to scan MyBorderPass QR code or face validation on the provided scanner for quick and smooth immigration verification. However, the passport still needs to be carried along as a primary travel document.
This facility is open to motorcyclists of Malaysian citizens in CIQ BSI only. The introduction of this system will go through the POC trial period until September 30, 2024 and will be phased out to other entrances after this.
In addition to MyBorderPass, JIM has launched MyTRIP and MyRENTAS applications that use QR Code as medium for immigration checking. All three systems are implemented POC.
The Malaysian Immigration Department expects the introduction of immigration release using this QR code will help to significantly reduce congestion at country entrances.
那么从2024年7月29日开始,马来西亚移民局在BSI(新加坡入境口岸)入口处推出了MyBorderPass的这个系统,旨在为摩托车骑士提供移民检查服务(因为很多马来西亚人去新加坡打工晚上回新山过夜)。那么这个应用程序可通过Google Play和Apple App Store下载。
该设施仅对马来西亚公民的摩托车骑士在CIQ BSI入口处开放。此系统将经过POC(概念验证)试用期,直到2024年9月30日,然后会逐步推广到其他入口。还有就是除了MyBorderPass,移民局还推出了MyTRIP和MyRENTAS应用程序,这些应用程序也使用二维码作为移民检查的媒介。可惜就是这三个系统都处于POC阶段。