1. Passengers are NOT allowed to enter since 18/03/2020. This does not apply to:首先我们知道马来西亚从三月开始已经禁止游客入境了,除了以下几个人群:
– nationals of Malaysia;马来西亚护照持有人;
– passengers with a diplomatic passport;持有外交访问护照的外国人;
– passengers with MyTravelPass (MTP) obtained at https://mtp.imi.gov.my/myTravelPass/main ;能够申请到MTP的外国人;
– students with a written approval from immigration applied at https://educationmalaysia.gov.my/ ;移民局批准入境的学生;
– merchant seamen with an official letter from the company certified by Malaysian immigration and joining the ship no later than 24 hours from arrival.经过批准的船员;
2. Passengers must install 'MySejahtera app' in their phone and complete the health declaration at least one day before departure.然后入境之前要安装MySejahtera app以及按规定完成相关程序;
3. Passengers must have a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test taken at most 72 hours before departure from the first embarkation point.按规定在出发前72小时内完成核酸检测且结果为阴性;
4. Passengers arriving from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka must have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated.从以上四个国家入境的要有接种证明;
5. Passengers are subject to a COVID-19 RT-PCR test upon arrival at their own expense.入境核酸检测需自费;
6. Passengers are subject to medical screening and quarantine for 14 or 21 days at the first point of entry at their own expense.入境旅客自费隔离;
– This does not apply to passengers with an approval letter for home quarantine applied at https://ecovid19.moh.gov.my/outbreak-portal-hqa/index between 7 and 10 days before arrival. They are subject to home isolation for 14 days.
7. Airline crew must have their names listed on the General Declaration.需要入境马来西亚的航空公司工作人员名单需要在General Declaration有列明,这个需要咨询自己家的航空公司;
8. Airline crew are subject to quarantine until their next flight and must install 'MySejahtera app' in their phone.
9. The maximum transit time through Kuala Lumpur (KUL) changed from 48 hours to 24 hours.从吉隆坡机场转机时效从48小时压缩至24小时;
10. 🔺Transfer from an international flight to a domestic flight is NOT allowed.从国际航空转到国内航空被禁止了,就是说国际航班要先入境隔离完成后方能转机;
– This does not apply to nationals of Malaysia traveling to Sabah and Sarawak. They must have approval from the State Government.
11. Passengers traveling to Sarawak must complete an "enterSarawak" form and an "eHealth Declaration Form" before departure at https://sarawakdisastermc.com/飞砂劳越的要按当地规定再走一遍政策操作才行,东马有自己的地方防疫隔离的规则。