1. Application is done via the immigration website ONLY, starts 8/10/2020.从8号起所有的申请只能通过移民局网站做申请了,所以这里面的寻租空间会少很多,可能有些签证之前可以做的,现在就要停顿了;
2. Approval process takes about 5 working days.那么这样的一个审批程序需要5个工作日,虽然这么说,小曹还是严重怀疑马来西亚政府的工作效率,不信你试试;
3. Application must include the relevant supporting documents.那么申请文件需要提供相关证明资料,专业性就在这里了!
4. Status of application, whether successful or otherwise, will be sent via email.不管成功与否,都会通过邮件告知,小曹有些客人一个月左右才知道申请失败;
5. Those who submitted false declarations, information or documents can be prosecuted under the Immigration Act.提供不真实的证明资料会受到移民局法案的牵连;
6. Application is easy but approval is not guaranteed.不确保肯定通过审批;
7. The list of categories under MyTravelPass is likely to be reviewed after RMCO ends on Dec 31, but it will depend on the situation at that time.本次管制理论上持续到今年底,但是特殊情况还是可以特殊处理,嗯。。。这里面有空间的;
8. For locals and foreigners who fall into the categories which are allowed to leave or enter the country directly without having to apply for prior approval, this permission is still in force and they don’t need to use MyTravelPass.老人老办法,新人新规则,之前申请成功的照旧安排,具体细节各位看如下图片。