最近有一帮专门做假PLKS签证的中招了,这个签证全名是Temporary Working Visit Pass,主要应用于短期务工逗留的那些人,一般都是半年一签,然后在一直续签下去,主要受理对象是酒店实习生、工地管工、培训师以及演出人员之类的,因为他们都不会长期逗留马来西亚务工,都是周期性的到达马来西亚做工作指导,所以半年工签很多都是这个样子,这次疫情,因为关口管控,所以也就容易把他们揪出来了,小曹也是遇到好几个客户中招这种假签证,非常惋惜,这不!反腐团队揪出内鬼了。
Another immigration syndicate has been busted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Immigration Department, this time involving fake temporary employment passes.另外一个移民局团伙被MACC揪出来了,这个团伙主要针对假工签。
A well-placed source told FMT that five individuals have been arrested, including the head of the syndicate who possesses a Datukship.据可靠消息来源说有五个人被扣,包括一个拥有拿督头衔的员工(大官~)。
The suspects, aged between 33 and 43, were arrested following large-scale operations in 22 locations in Kuala Lumpur since early this morning. MACC and the immigration authorities had been conducting surveillance on their activities in the past year.疑犯介于33-43岁之间,案件涉及吉隆坡22个网点,犯罪周期可以追溯到去年。
Operating with the aid of “insiders” in the Immigration Department, the syndicate is said to have cost the government hundreds of millions in revenue through foreign worker levies.案件里面的内鬼通过运作已经把马来西亚外国人罚款收入给侵蚀了。
It is estimated to have printed hundreds of thousands of falsified work passes sold at between RM6,000 and RM8,000 a pass to undocumented migrants working illegally in Malaysia.印刷出来的假签证数量无法估计,但是每张可以卖出去8000马币给非法劳工,这里小曹悄悄透露一下,这种签证其实就是真的签证,也是真的移民局印刷出来的,但是有可能不入移民局系统,或者是系统里的“你”跟现实不一样罢了,有兴趣的可以看小曹之前的文章《马来西亚工作签证真假的主要来源可能在下面4点》。
“They hacked into the department’s database by wiring transmitters in the department’s computer room, enabling them to change the passwords of officers, before printing the work passes from a remote location.报道说是通过技术手段黑进移民局数据库来篡改工签资料,最后远程实施工签印刷,你信吗?
The source also revealed that the syndicate was able to remove or add individuals to the department’s “red alert” or blacklist allowing them to help certain people bypass security checks at airports for a certain price.报道还称这伙人还可以通过篡改有问题入境人员比如黑名单信息来达到某些人群的入境操作,这个小曹信,呵呵。总之这肯定离不开里应外合的操作,才能实现最终的各种操作,当然马来西亚也确实应该严抓一下移民局事务了,但是现实就是马来西亚是个外劳国家,几百万的外劳在马来西亚也就造成了以后这种事件再次卷土从来仅仅是时间问题,非常需要强力政治人士的攻克才行哟。