马来西亚长期签证有一个种类叫做Malaysia Professional Visit Pass (PVP),算是一个工作签证框架内的长期物种,但是这里面有个特别注意的地方,就是可能你一生就只能申请一次PVP!为什么?可能因为免税吧。
Professional Visit Pass is a temporary pass that enables a foreign employee (with acceptable professional qualifications or specialist skills) to enter Malaysia for business and professional visits under a contract of service with an organisation in Malaysia. The duration of a PVP may be up to a maximum of 12 months.PVP是一种暂时过渡签证让外国人可以通过技术申请来达到入境马来西亚长期逗留和工作的目的,然后此类签证最多能批准12个月。
A PVP is issued to a foreigner with desirable professional qualifications or specialist skills, who is entering Malaysia to take up professional work for a short term period of not exceeding twelve (12) months. To qualify for a PVP, the applicant must be outside Malaysia at the time of application。PVP需要外国人要有必要的专业技能及证书才能申请,然后你人需要在马来西亚以外的地方做申请接着入境才行。
The following type of working roles may qualify for the PVP:
Professor/Lecturer/Speaker 课堂讲师;
Researcher/Assistant Researcher 调查员及助理;
Consultant 咨询师;
Technical Advisor 技术咨询;
Installation and Fixing of Machines and equipment expert
Maintenance expert of Machines and equipment 设备维修员;
An Expatriate is only allowed to work with the company as stated in the pass. Besides, PVP holders are not entitled to apply for Dependant Passes for his / her family members.然后这个pvp签证上会注明在哪家公司工作什么职位等等,还有就是PVP签证是不能申请家属随签人员入境的,只有ep才有这个资格,所以他向马来西亚政府缴纳的税金也高就是这个原因。
@loving PVP是可以做到最多一年的逗留的,这个是政策层面的限定,之后你就只能申请ep了