Many expatriates under the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme are convinced that the government is looking to remove them from the country in light of the new requirements and conditions announced on Wednesday.二家园最新政策被人诟病说是想要踢掉部分现有持证人,因为最新的要求非常高,大家都觉得基本不可能满足政府的需求,有人说政府是想钱想疯了;
The decision is expected to dramatically affect the economy as it encourages non-citizens to sell off their assets in Malaysia, remove their deposits and take off for greener pastures.如果二家园政策按照最新版本执行的话,可能会引发持证人抛售其在马来西亚的不动产资源,因为如果人都不能在马来西亚生活的话,还要马来西亚的物业有什么用?
The most talked-about issue is the minimum monthly offshore income that has increased from RM10,000 to RM40,000 per month.大家讨论最为热烈的要求是收入四万一个月这条,因为基本上来说只有打工皇帝才行了不是吗?
“Also, expats who own investment properties here to supplement their incomes will not be able to count that as income to meet the new financial requirements as the RM40,000 per month must be earned offshore.还有一条比较重要的是,这个4万马币每个月的收入还不能包括在马来西亚持有物业的租金收入,只能从本国收入里面做计算。
“If you are comparing other neighbouring countries that have this kind of programme, we are on the losing end in the aspect of competitiveness,” he told The Vibes.如果对比周边国家,马来西亚的第二家园政策完全没有任何优势。
“We are not talking about a 30% increase (now). This is more than three times the previous requirement.经过计算新规基本上成本比旧版本高30%以上。
“Unless the government changes their decision we will be forced to relocate to another country. The RM40,000 per month income is more than double what we would need to return and live a comfortable life in Australia.”澳洲二家园持有人说如果月收入这么要求的话,他都不需要到马来西亚生活了,因为一个月四万马币如果在澳洲的话也同样可以生活的很好了,为何还要到大马呢?
There will also be a ceiling for participant numbers, namely principals and dependants, at any one time, with not more than 1% of the Malaysian population.如果新规执行,估计二家园申请人不会超过马来西亚总人口的1%。
The rate of the pass fee is also increased from RM90 to RM500 a year, with an additional RM5,000 processing fee for the principal and RM2,500 for each dependent.而且二家园每年的续签收费还从90马币提高到了500马币,而且还需要5000马币操作费,随迁的话要2500马币,也就是说,每五年一签的话,如果你是一家三口,怎样也要大几千甚至上万马币了吧?所以总结一下就是,想钱想疯了,哈哈!!