IPOH, April 9 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin today said no policy decision has been made yet to allow foreign workers back into the country despite an increasingly pressing need for them.内政部长Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin 9日就对外声明说目前尚未能决定是否对外劳开放出入境,哪怕这个劳工短缺需求目前非常激烈。
“Many companies have requested foreign workers, but at the moment, we don’t have a policy on opening the border to foreign workers.”很多马来西亚公司目前急需外劳去承担公司业务,尤其是基础民生保障行业,那么经常看新闻的各位肯定都是知道的了。
“First, we have to refer to the Health Ministry’s scientific data and follow the standard operating procedures (SOP). 但是因为新冠疫情原因整个国家仍处于管制阶段。
“For example, if we want to allow someone into our country, we would have to conduct (Covid-19) tests on them, quarantine and vaccinate them. But who is going to pay for it? 还有一点比较具备争议性的热点就是,劳工入境马来西亚所需要的核酸检测和入境隔离费用由谁来支付的问题,毕竟好几千的费用哦。
“We must also make sure the employers have accommodation for all the workers after they have completed the aforementioned process,” he said. 同时还得需要雇主配合搭建具备足够空间的外劳宿舍来保障最突发的新冠大流行可能,毕竟人员居住过于稠密万一有人确诊那就又是一大片。
Hamzah said if the employers and foreign workers can follow and adhere to all the SOP, then there is nothing to prevent them from being allowed into the country.部长还说一旦口子放开,那么立马就是大批量外劳涌入,防疫成本非常巨大,所以目前只能期待新冠疫苗的普及了,比如说马来西亚需要尼泊尔劳工,那么这些劳工再出发马来西亚之前得来上一针,这样就大家都欢喜了不是吗?所以入境马来西亚小曹认为还是得等上一阵子了。