Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has announced earlier today that the RMCO will now be extended till 31st March 2021. Health Minister Dr Adham Baba also issued the latest regulation below:大马政府元旦期间声明行动管制令继续延长至3月31日;
“This order has been gazetted in the Federal Government Gazette. The increase in the number of cases has been contributed by the implementation of compulsory screening on foreign workers carried out on a large scale, as well as the spread of infection within the community, especially in the Klang Valley and several states,” Ismail said in a statement.主要原因还是每日上千的新增确诊人数久居不下,尤其是外国劳工强制筛查新冠肺炎政策需要执行;
All standard operating procedures (SOP) under the RMCO will apply during the period.那么在这个期间如下活动还在禁止行列:
Activities at pubs and nightclubs are still prohibited (except for the restaurant business).关于酒吧和夜店等人员大批量集中的场所和活动禁止;
Activities involving large crowds (that make it hard to social distance) are still not allowed.大批量人员聚集场所尤其是社交安全距离难以控制的地方被禁止和重点关注;
Tourism activities would be based on the announcement by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) previously.多数旅游活动也是在禁止和限定行列;