Two Immigration Department officers were charged in the Sessions Court here today with 33 counts of accepting bribes amounting to RM154,340.两名移民局官员被指控多达33次收取贿赂共计马币154,340;
The first accused Mohamad Hariss Rosli, 27, who was charged with 31 counts of accepting bribes pleaded guilty to 18 charges and claimed trial to the remaining 13 charges.
The second accused Fasmawi Ab Wahab, 24, pleaded guilty to two charges made against him.基本上都是年轻的移民局官员,一个27一个24岁;
Mohamad Hariss who is attached to the Johor Immigration Department was charged with 31 counts of obtaining a valuable thing namely the money totalling RM152,940 from several individuals which he knew had connection with his official duties.然后这个来自新山移民局的名字叫做Mohamad Hariss的官员被指控多达31次的收受贿赂将近16万马币,从事关于他日常工作相关的一些移民局事务违规操作服务,看来疫情关系影响到了马来西亚各行各业的正常运转,以及那些非正常的运转也是大受波及了,所以大家还是安安静静猫着度过本次风暴来的比较好一些。好了需要马来西亚燕窝的可以随时找小曹,谢谢。