The police raided a call centre set up at a hotel in Jalan Changkat Thambi Dollah near here early today, believed to be used to provide training on promoting online gambling and illegal forex trading.马来西亚警方突袭一个设置在Jalan Changkat Thambi Dollah路上的酒店房间,里面有网络赌博平台相关的培训活动;
Dang Wangi district police chief ACP Mohamad Zainal Abdullah said four male Chinese nationals and a Vietnamese woman aged 21 to 33 were detained in the raid.警局Dang Wangi负责人说这里面有4名中国籍男士和1名越南女性,分别年龄介于21-33岁之间;
He said initial investigations found that the syndicate was conducting training for Chinese nationals to promote illegal forex trading activities in China.这里面的几个人主要是要培训针对中国市场的网络博彩相关业务的;
“Investigations revealed that the suspects have been working at the premises for the past three months, with each being paid RM2,500 per month,“ he said in a statement today.他们已经在酒店内居住超过三个月,每月工资2500马币;
He said all the suspects entered the country using social visit passes managed by their employer.他们都是持有旅游签证入境马来西亚的;
Police also confiscated 14 mobile phones, two laptops and various items suspected of being used to conduct the illegal activities.警察扣留14台手机、2台笔记本电脑和若干其他设备;
Mohamad Zainah added that the suspects were under remand until Dec 11 for investigations under Section 4 (1) of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 and Section 6 (1) (c) of the Immigration Act.接着就是要按照非法赌博法案和移民局法案做相关起诉了,好了大家到马来西亚的时候要注意避开这些不好的招聘陷阱,以免越陷越深。