Twenty-eight Chinese nationals, including a woman, were detained in a raid under ‘Ops Dadu’ at two residential units converted into call centres for illegal online gambling at Changkat Duta Kiara, Mount Kiara, yesterday afternoon.前两天28名中国护照持有人其中还有一个女性在一次警察行动中被扣留,主因是在Mount Kiara居民区运营博彩呼叫中心;
Brickfields police chief ACP Anuar Omar said all of them, aged 25 to 45, were detained by a police team from the Brickfields District Police Headquarters’ (DPH) Anti-Vice, Gambling and Secret Societies Division between 3pm to 6.10pm. Brickfields警察局发言人说这些人年龄集中在25-45岁,他们与凌晨3-6点被抓;
“All suspects do not have any legal travel documents and they were brought to the Brickfields DPH for further action.这些人都是没有有效签证的,算是逾期逗留和非法打工;
“In the raid, the police also confiscated various items including 22 laptops, 112 mobile phones, four modems, four access cards and six keys,” he said in a statement.其中犯罪设备包含22台笔记本电脑和112部手机等;
He said that the syndicate’s modus operandi was to promote online gambling through the WeChat application, targeting customers in China.他们的网络赌博目标人群还是定位在中国客户,通过微信进行;
“During the raid, the foreigners concerned could not speak English…so it was difficult to communicate with them,” he said.然后没有人会讲英语,可见各位还是比较有冒险精神的;
He added that the police were conducting investigations to identify the mastermind behind the syndicate, who is believed to be a local.目前调查正在进一步进行中;
The case is being investigated under the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 and the Immigration Act 1959/1963。大概率这群人会面临非法赌博和移民法案同时被起诉。