Malaysia has begun deporting more than 900 Myanmar migrants who have been held in its immigration detention centers for several months, with hundreds landing in Myanmar on charter flights over the weekend and the rest due later this week, according to the Myanmar Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.马来西亚开始驱逐及遣送900被关在拘留营里的缅甸非法劳工陆续回国,这些人几乎都已被拘留数月;
The Malaysian government plans to complete the deportation of a total of 960 Myanmar migrant detainees this week, as its detention centers are overcrowded with foreigners, according to a Myanmar Embassy official.本周大马政府预计要遣送960名缅甸劳工,主要原因还是因为拘留营装不下这么多人了!
In Malaysia, undocumented foreigners apprehended by the authorities are typically jailed for several weeks to six months under the country’s immigration laws for staying and working in the country illegally. After serving their prison terms, they are held in immigration detention centers until their identities and citizenship can be confirmed by their respective embassies.非法劳工在马来西亚通常会被判处拘留不超过半年的时间,刑满后遣送;
More than 3,000 people who describe themselves as Myanmar nationals are being detained in 13 immigration detention centers across the country, according to the embassy official.超过3000缅甸人被各自关在13个拘留营;
The embassy official said the 960 detainees who are being deported had been confirmed as Myanmar citizens and were being provided with the certificate of identification (CI) needed to return home.被遣送回国的都是被证明确认缅甸公民的;
The labor attaché said the Myanmar detainees had been forced to stay at the immigration detention centers for up to eight months, despite having been sentenced for just weeks to several months.受疫情影响,其中有些缅甸人已经被拘留长达八个月了。
“The Malaysian government had to open more detention centers as the existing centers were crowded with foreign detainees. The government urgently needs to send the detainees to their respective countries” U Aung Zaw Min said.导致拘留营挤满了非法外国人,小曹认为过于拥挤也是新冠肆虐的一个重要原因;
Since then, it has been seeking to deport more than 3,000 people currently held in its immigration detention centers to Myanmar after hundreds of detainees tested positive for COVID-19.这几千人当中是含有新冠确诊案例的;
Additionally, around 10,000 undocumented Myanmar workers in Malaysia have registered at the embassy requesting assistance to return home.然后有大约1000缅甸非法劳工需要缅甸政府协助回国,要不是钱不够要不就是身体有恙等等;