PM orders Immigration Dept to prioritise processing undocumented migrants in Sabah to contain Covid-19,连总理都发话了,可见马来西亚沙巴州在控制新冠肺炎传播方面是多么乏力!昨天的新闻消息显示:“总理下令移民局优先处理沙巴州证件不齐的外国劳工,从而控制疫情的无序蔓延”,那么了解马来西亚政府体系的人都知道,这其实就是在责怪沙巴州移民局的办事不利了,因为沙巴和砂劳越两州的政府办事体系相对独立于联邦政府,而且两州的移民局都有很多签证自主权,比如说你是沙巴的工作签,你可以长期在吉隆坡生活,但是如果你是西马的工签那到沙巴就只能一次性呆一个月,就要飞出在飞入。。
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today said he has directed the Immigration Department to prioritise the management of detained undocumented migrants that have slipped into Sabah as Malaysia faces its third wave of Covid-19.The prime minister maintained that these undocumented migrants were the cause of the current wave of Covid-19 cases in the north Borneo state.总理昨天说他已经责成移民局优先处理一下滞留在沙巴的证件不齐劳工,因为总理认为这个人群是最近新冠确诊暴增的主要起因。
“This includes the need to increase the capacity of the Immigration Detention Depots to house these detained illegal immigrants while ensuring all those in detention are not exposed to the risk of contracting Covid-19,” he said in a statement after chairing a special National Security Council (NSC) meeting to discuss the epidemic in the country.同时移民局拘留营应扩容或者改善条件从而预防新冠病毒的无序传播,可以说基本上蛮多确诊还是出现在移民局的拘留营中,毕竟那里面的条件真的很不好!
Also discussed was hospital capacities for those treating Covid-19 patients, with Muhyiddin saying the Health Ministry would discuss joint efforts to treat these patients together with the Armed Forces.然后未来军队也会可能参与到新冠确诊病患的管控中来;