Sept 24 — Beginning today, all foreigners entering the country will have to pay the mandatory quarantine fee as well as the additional RM2,600 operation fee, Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced.24日起,外国人入境要多出2600马币的操作费用才行;
This means that a foreigner entering Malaysia would have to fork out RM4,700; RM2,600 for fixed operation cost and RM2,100 being the lodging cost.这里就包含2100马币的酒店隔离费用,政府又赚了2600马币,呵呵;
"Beginning today, September 24, 2020, all non-citizens who enter from all international entries of the country, will have to pay this full charge.“For Malaysian citizens, the government has decided to maintain the quarantine subsidy,” Ismail, who is also defence minister, said.24日起马来西亚非居民入境需要付这笔4700费用(在哪里支付没有明说,可能在大使馆,也可能在出境关口);
He added that for the second and third individuals who share a room with the first individual, the lodging cost would be half; RM700, while for children under six years of age, the cost of accommodation is free.如果几人同行,同一个酒店房间的第二第三人住宿费用半价(700),如果是6岁以下儿童则不收取酒店隔离费用;
In July, Bernama reported the Immigration Department's director-general Datuk Khairul Dzaimee Daud as saying that his agency will revoke the Long-Term Visit Pass of any foreigners who refuse to pay quarantine costs upon returning from abroad.如果外国人入境时候拒绝支付这个费用,长期签证会被取消;