Malaysia recorded a sharp spike of 100 new Covid-19 cases today – a jump from 62 registered yesterday – raising the tally of infections to 9,559, 295 of which are active cases.从昨日的62名新增确诊一下子变成今天的100人,貌似前天还是比较正常的,所以马来西亚也快累计破万了;
Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said of the new cases, 85 are local transmissions while 15 are imported cases.这么在这个其中85人是本地传染案例,而另外15人是输入确诊案例;
The imported infections comprise two Malaysians and 13 non-Malaysians, 11 of which were infected in India, Indonesia (2), Pakistan and the Philippines (1).在输入确诊案例中,没有国人,主要是印度11人,所以估计是前段时间入境的印度长期签证人士,7号以后印度应该是会被封杀了;
Sixty-two of the 85 local transmissions are in Sabah, related to the Benteng LD Cluster – with 37 traced to the Lahad Datu district police headquarters and 25 to Tawau prisons.本地传染案例中有62人确诊在沙巴Benteng Lahad Datu district这里,有时警察局和监狱区域,大概率又是关押犯人的密集型传染,所以这个时候有逾期逗留的赶紧弄签证不然就赶紧做sp回国,拘留所都是比较敏感的地方,谁知道关着多少印尼印度菲律宾人还在等待遣送,他们很多是没钱的需要大马政府出钱安排遣送的,都不知道要窝在监狱多久,确实传染概率非常大;
The remaining 23 cases are from the Kedah Sungai Cluster, of which 22 were reported in Kedah and one in Perlis. The cluster includes 16 medical workers and seven of their family members.剩余23人在Kedah Sungai,其中16人是医护人员,莫非这里是监狱感染医护?
As of noon on Sept 7, 12 patients had recovered and were discharged from hospital. Seven cases are currently in intensive care with four on ventilator support.No new fatality was reported today, keeping the death toll at 128.所以这里面没有多少来自吉隆坡区域,主要还是因为监狱感染,以及印度入境人员,这个是马来西亚早前赶紧出台封杀15万以上确诊国家入境的原因,毕竟印度确实是个大爆点,小曹预计疫苗尤其是没有大量生产出来的便宜疫苗面世之前,印度都是个高敏感地带,慎入+封杀他才是各国移民局应对之新常态。