Travel Experience from Bangladesh to Malaysia (EP1 Single Entry Visa)
Successfully entered Malaysia today. Now staying at hotel Istana for the 14 days quarantine.
Please note for the EP1 Single entry Visa holders for Bangladeshi passport holders. You must collect the clearance and smart card from the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) [one stop service] located at near hotel Raj moni Isha kha, otherwise you cannot pass the emigration at any cost.
Also note that, At airport, there is a front Desk located at Malindo Air counter (near gate 3) (I think same applies for others airways as well), they will verify your documents (Visa, VDR letter, Travel notice, health clearance certificate) before performing check-in and provide you the boarding pass.
While verification process, you have to tell them that you are EP1 SEV holder and you are not requiring DGIM permission. They will then sent your documents for verification process. (For me it took more than hour to verify as it’s a unique case for them and they haven’t got proper instructions before specially for the new SEV). So, in your case if it take time then don’t be panic and try to cooperate with them. For safe side, go to the airport 4 hour before departure.
Rest processes are straight forward which already discussed by other members in this group. Every one in Dhaka and KL are super cooperative, friendly, helpful and well-structured so you will not found any problem at all if you have proper documents with you. After you arrive at KL just follow the guideline and follow others, there are some front-line volunteers, they will help you in every processes.
这里感觉是不是ep category1还是很重要的,他建议提前4个小时到机场去完成各种必要的入境文件收集,其实孟加拉也是很多新冠确诊案例,所以个人感觉会比较严格一点,比起东亚其他国家;
Additionally, I would like to suggest you to Install Mysejahtera App in your mobile and try to register before you takeoff. It will help you faster process, sometime KLIA WiFi not working well. As i do have Malaysian sim already and have internet connection so i didn't face any problem but I saw some people are facing trouble to register and west some time over there to register to the system !!!
然后他强烈建议起飞之前就安装和注册马来西亚Mysejahtera App,这样可以加速入境速度,有些时候KLIA的无线网络不行,最好先买个电话卡比较好,没有渠道的也可以找小曹做好之后直接邮寄到你的国家,充值好下飞机就立马用上的那种不香吗?(他说见到很多人入境障碍就是因为这个电话卡无网络环节)《马来西亚手机靓号666都有哪些让人印象深刻的老板号》。
NOTE: Do not forget to buy SIM card when you ware instructed to install the app to scan the QR-Code to enter the Covid-19 test and emigration facilities, There I saw a Sim Card shop they are selling SIM card from different operators. so buy Sim card from them ASAP with sufficient balance (you never know which hotel you will be sent and the WIFI status) otherwise you will be without Phone connectivity for at-least 14 days which might be a problem for anyone now a days.
Lastly i would like to say good luck to you who will traveling at this crucial moment. Stay safe and must use face mask inside the Plane all time.