The government will impose an entry ban on citizens of countries recording more than 150,000 cases of Covid-19 starting next Monday (Sept 7), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (pic) announced.部长说政府会禁止新冠确诊案例超过15万国家的过敏入境马来西亚,从本月7号开始;
The Senior Minister (Security) said among the countries in the list were the United States, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Bangladesh, as well as three countries announced previously, namely India, Indonesia and the Philippines.其中就包含如上国家,所以比如说你是华人,但是你持有英国护照,但是你现在人在中国,小曹认为大概率你也不会被批准入境;
"We will add more countries deemed high-risk, which have more than 150,000 positive cases, into the list. Their citizens will be barred (from entering Malaysia).至少是确诊超过15万的基本都会被认为是高风险国家,所以你赶紧看看自己持有什么护照吧;
"However, for emergency cases or involving bilateral relations, such as if a person needs to come for a meeting between countries, we will allow entry. But it requires permission from the Immigration Department,” he told reporters after chairing the Special Committee Meeting on the Embracing New Norms Campaign here Thursday (Sept 3).当然如果涉及到双边外交人员会务的还是可以依申请做审批;
He added that the Health Ministry would be announcing the details on countries which have recorded more than 150,000 positive cases of Covid-19 later.相关细则迟点会出台,大家静候就是;
Last Tuesday, Ismail Sabri announced an entry ban on long-term pass holders from India, Indonesia and the Philippines beginning Sept 7 due to a spike in Covid-19 cases in those countries.上周部长就明确说明禁止印度印尼菲律宾人员入境因为他们失控的疫情,而且就算你是长期签证持有人也不能,毕竟马来西亚这三个国籍的外劳太多了,怕控制不住;
Meanwhile, Ismail Sabri said the government has no problem to allow Malaysians from high-risk countries to return home but they will be subjected to the 14-day mandatory quarantine as stipulated in the standard operating procedures (SOP).当然马来西亚护照持有人从上述国家归国是没有任何障碍的,强制隔离14天即可;
总之就是,目前对于华人来说,尤其是港澳台大陆居民来说还是相对利好的,而且小道消息说是工签申请会慢慢开口,各位需要紧急入境的可以联络小曹for more details,不紧急的可以先观望一阵再说,谢谢!