KUCHING: All foreign workers who have a valid work permit must undergo a compulsory 14-day quarantine at quarantine centres upon entering Sarawak.“There was some misunderstanding recently when a number of employers had brought in Indonesian workers with valid work permit and had asked for them to be discharged from the quarantine centre and complete their remaining quarantine at home after having the swab test on the second day.大概意思就是持有工签的外国人可以入境马来西亚砂劳越,但是需要需要强制隔离14天,且没有讨价还价的余地。
He said the foreign workers must also undergo Covid-19 testing on Day Two and Day 10 of their quarantine, adding that the costs of the quarantine and tests must be borne by the employers.还有一个就是外国工签持有人需要在隔离的第2和第10天做新冠肺炎检测,且费用自理或者雇主承担。
Additionally, Uggah also said the General Operations Force had arrested a total of 69 people at the borders of the state between June 1 and July 12.目前为止69人在边境被抓,估计是没遵守强制隔离的那种。
“These comprised 20 locals, Indonesians (46) and Filipinos (three). In addition, 16 Indonesians had also been deported,” he added.然后这里面大部分是印尼劳工。