一、Sabah is opening its doors again to foreign workers from China to jumpstart the construction industry in the state which has stalled due to the imposition of the movement control order (MCO).沙巴特地给中国工人恢复有条件入境来从事建筑行业的复工复产工作;
二、“They will be required to undergo a Covid-19 screening test at least three days prior to their arrival here and will have to comply with all the standard operating procedures (SOPs) that have been set by our authorities,” said Shafie.然后这些工人需要在入境前三天做好新冠检测同时准从当地SOPs入境标准;
Sabah will also be opening kindergartens and nurseries registered with the Welfare Department as of today. The SOP has been set by the Health Ministry and local authorities.沙巴同时恢复幼儿园及托儿所的正常运作;