如果你是工签持有者但是人在马来西亚以外的地方,以及你工签过期要回到马来西亚续期并工作,那么就目前来说最重要的一个环节是需要公司出具给移民局主管机构这么一封Support Letter from Approving Agency and Regulatory Body来说明你在疫情尚未解封期间入境马来西亚的必要性,如果审核通过才能实施入境,如果没有邮件通知那就等同于拒绝了,这封信要怎么出?主要的要求如下:
The related Approving Agency and Regulatory Body are responsible to assess and make decisions to the entry permission application submitted by the company, and to provide a Support Letter to the expatriate / skilled worker / knowledge worker who will be entering the country.
The Support Letter from the Approving Agency / Regulatory Body must contain the following information:
i. Name of the company 首先肯定是要有公司名及SSM注册信息等;
ii. Nature of business公司的业务范畴以及经营范围等;
iii. Justifications on the need to enter the country要重点说明一下入境的必要性,窍门在哪里也是没啥经验好遵循;
iv. Expatriate’s information签证持有人的各种详细信息 (name, passport number, nationality, passport expiry date)
v. Position签证持有人的工作岗位及细节;
vi. Current active pass (if applicable) 申请人目前持有的签证情况;
vii. Relevant supporting documents以及其他必要性的支持类文件文书材料等。