一、A local daily reported on Tuesday that Selangor will no longer allow foreigners to apply for hawker licences, run temporary businesses or be employed by such businesses.本地权威报纸输了从本周二开始雪兰莪州不再接受外国人小商贩准证注册以及被雇佣,我们知道以前很多的小档口基本上服务员都是第三世界的员工比如尼泊尔,老板就通常是马华,有些甚至老板都只是远程遥控业务开展而已,非常舒服;
二、“We will not allow it even if the foreigner is the husband or wife (of a Malaysian),” said Rodziah in a statement recorded by the Star.雪兰莪州甚至不允许夫妻一方是外国人的那种经营方式,感觉有点赤裸裸的偏向马来人就业保障;
三、Licence must be issued by Malaysian citizen,Nominees cannot exceed a time frame of three months,Any workers employed must be Malaysians and registered with the authorities。所以总结出三条,一个是一定要是马来西亚公民,然后员工也要是马来西亚公民并注册在案才行;
四、Previously, the Selangor government said it would not issue business licenses to foreigners for SMEs and Pasar Malam spots unless they registered their companies with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) with an original passport and a business visa.早些时候雪兰莪政府就已经不给外国人个人注册小微企业和夜市档口,除非他们注册公司且持有合法马来西亚工作签证。总之雪兰莪州就是各种保护本国人尤其马来人的就业就是了。