一、Malaysians are barred from travelling overseas under the recovery movement control order (RMCO) period from June 10 until August 31, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced today.外国人入境,尤其是旅游签证持有人方面的入境怕是要到8月底了,这个阶段叫做recovery movement control order!
二、While the country’s borders remain closed, he said domestic tourism activities will now be allowed to resume operations under the RMCO since the government has allowed interstate travel.这个阶段的边境及口岸仍处于关闭状态,但是国内游会有序放开。
三、Earlier, Muhyiddin said interstate travel will be allowed beginning June 10, with the exception of areas declared under an enhanced movement control order (EMCO).然后首相说基本上从本月10号开始,除热点区域外的其余地方基本上都可以自由活动及跨州旅行了(估计大家没啥存粮呵呵)。
四、“For those desiring to travel overseas, hold on to your plans because our borders remain closed,” he said in a televised broadcast.但是涉及到出入境,估计大概率事件是要封杀到八月底了,其他签证有可能会慢慢放开一点,比如说工作签,所以大家没事还是洗洗睡吧。