1、New Covid-19 cases shot up to 187 today, including 155 at the Bukit Jalil immigration detention depot, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported.截止到26日,有155名当天新增的确诊案例被发现在Bukit Jalil这个关押点,一天新增这么多,可见这里的整体新冠确诊有点严重。
2、According to Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, the Bukit Jalil immigration detention depot has confirmed 281 Covid-19 cases to date; followed by 66 cases at the Semenyih immigration detention depot, including one Malaysian staff; and 36 cases at the Sepang immigration detention centre.那么根据权威报导,截止至5月26日,Bukit Jalil这个点已经有281名新冠确诊患者;然后在Semenyih immigration detention有66名确诊案例;以及Sepang immigration detention centre这个点有36名确诊案例,具体哪些国籍的人确诊小曹这里信息还不全。
3、“Perhaps it’s possible there’s transmission between those coming in from the EMCO to Block A. We do not know. It’s possible. Or staff providing services, cleaning services, that carry the infection. So investigation is ongoing.”在这么封闭性管理的区域还有确诊出现,有人怀疑是病毒被带进去的,比如说工作人员。
4、MOH found that the main causes of coronavirus transmission among foreign workers at construction sites were due to overcrowded and confined accommodation spaces, without any social distancing, as well as poor personal and environmental hygiene.还有就是一些建筑工地上的劳工感染,有些由于过于密集居住,有些是因为卫生消杀没做到位,不过目前还没听说有大规模中国工人感染事件,估计大家都比较谨慎。