就像小曹之前所说的,马来西亚现在开始缓慢有序放开疫情封国后期的入境条件,那么现在最先开放的就是“二家”签证持有者,但是仍然是需要一些前提的,这个第二家园签证入境需满足4个条件,英文标题原文如下,大家喜欢的话也可以去搜素英文版本看看。4 key requirements for MM2H participants wishing to return。看点主要集中在如下4个方面:
一、Immigration Department director-general Datuk Khairul Dzaimee Daud said firstly, priority would be given to participants registered with the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry.马来西亚移民局老大说首先你需要到马来西亚旅游艺术和文化部做二家园入境备案和注册;
二、Second, the permission to enter the country will be subject to the compliance of Immigration inspection and requirements stipulated by the government.然后移民局会针对入境申请的“二家”签证持有者做符合政府法律法规的必要核查才做批准;
三、Third, they must undergo a swab test in their country of origin and the test result has to be negative, before travelling from there.接着就是“二家”在入境之前需要在本国做一个新冠疫情检测,这里小曹有个疑问就是,很有可能这个检测结果说明还得做个马来西亚双认证呢,不然你拿中文版本移民局看的懂吗?
四、Lastly, they must sign a declaration letter stating that they will bear their own quarantine cost for the stipulated two week period, at any quarantine centre designated by the government,最后这个就是入境者需要自费做一个为期两周的强制隔离,当然这个隔离地点是有移民局指定地点的。