1. Malaysia has made a judicious decision to allow those members of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) stranded abroad to return to their lovely homes in Malaysia, following the easing of Movement Control Order (MCO) imposed since 18 March due to COVID-19 Pandemic. It is now replaced with Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), beginning 13th May till 9th June 2020.马来西亚政府经过认真研究后允许封国以来的首次外国人入境,这里面暂时只能是二家签证持有者。
2. Based on the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture's record, currently there is a total of 253 MM2H members including their dependents who have been stranded abroad and requested to return to Malaysia.根据旅游文化部的消息显示,目前有253名二家签证持有者及其依亲签证持有人因疫情滞留在外的要求入境马来西亚,这里的滞留有可能是入境卡关的人,但是他们人并不在护照本国的那种,就是出于夹在马来西亚和自己国家中间的人–小曹这么猜测,不然不止200来人吧呵呵。
3. While the Government of Malaysia is concerned and shared the plight of the stranded MM2H members abroad during the MCO, we hope that they could understand the challenges faced by the Government in dealing with the scourge of COVID-19 that has been spreading rapidly throughout the country. Towards this end, the Government has given its utmost priority to protect the populace including the MM2H community from the scourge of COVID-19, as well as to secure Malaysia's border from the spread of virus. The prompt and effective approach undertaken by the Government helped to contain and flatten the curve on the spread of COVID-19.大马政府希望大家能理解因为疫情所做的管控举措是为了更好的防治病毒扩散和持续传染。
4. In this regards, the stranded MM2H members may re-enter Malaysia beginning from 17th May 2020 onwards. While the Government welcomes home the stranded MM2H members, they have to comply with all the MCO's requirements. This include a medical screening at KLIA Airport and to observe a 14-day quarantine at the Quarantine Station and to bear the accommodation cost at the respective quarantine station.然后这部分人群17号以后可以申请再入境马来西亚,当然该做的检测也是要做的,比如强制隔离14天,费用自理。
5. Last but not least, the Government of Malaysia wishes all the stranded MM2H members a safe journey back to their second home – Malaysia, and to be happily united with their loved ones.这里就不翻译了都是废话。