Malaysians who are interested in travelling interstate are advised to apply for their travel permits through the Gerak Malaysia app starting today (26 April) until 29 April.那么这个app的名字叫做Gerak Malaysia大家可以到下载平台看看,然后26号就可以开始做注册了。
The app was specifically developed so that travel permits can be applied easily from Malaysians at home which is now available on the Google App Store, Apple App Store and Huawei App Gallery.谷歌和华为商店都可以做下载,主要就是方便部分人士的出行备案及批准。
When a user is done with the application process with all the necessary details given, the app will generate a unique QR code which will be scanned at any roadblocks between 1 May and 3 May. NST。申请人需要填写详细个人资料,然后你会获得一个QR码,用来应对下个月1-3号出行之间的路障排查。
1 May is for those travelling from Perak, Johor and Kelantan, 2 May is for those from Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Melaka and Pahang, while 3 May is for those travelling from Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Terengganu. It is compulsory for travellers to travel on the day that is stated in their approved permits.具体的规定细节大家可以参考app上的公告,基本来说都是有一些强制规定的,但是对于外国人来说是否同样适用,可能大家需要认真研究一下。