1、MALAYSIA has not ruled out the possibility of extending the Movement Control Order (MCO) until the end of next month as authorities continue to limit human movements for another 14 days until May 12.昨天的消息说是行动管指令再次延长14天,一直到5月12日,媒体还说有可能还会延长到下个月底,当真是一次把病毒撸到底了,经济代价很大哦。
2、An additional extension after May 12 will cocoon millions of Muslims during the Aidilfitri, the biggest religious celebration expected on May 24.对马来西亚穆斯林信众来说,可能5月底的Aidilfitri宗教集会庆典也不会如期举行了,因为恐惧新冠肺炎病毒的再次扩散。
3、The government, however, relaxed the movement of university students, estimated at 100,000, who have been holed up in various campuses. But the movement will be under strict supervision, it said.大概十万名大学生的生活轨迹可能会相对放宽一些,当然也不是说全部的解禁。
4、With the prospect of another MCO extension, he said the government is studying strategies of short term, medium term and long term to revive the economy once the pandemic has been controlled.据说政府会研究相关的经济策略用以应对病毒带来的各种挑战,但是小曹觉得华人印度人估计是很难享受到经济补偿方案的了,以后真的要多多存点余粮!
5、Malaysia seems to be winning the war against the coronavirus and registered the longest streak of eight days for new recoveries out-numbering new cases.看来马来西亚政府死磕新冠肺炎病毒的决心很大,而且按照目前的行情来看,在线业务的优势估计会在马来西亚面临更多的增长空间,因为大家都害怕病毒。