一、根据外媒报道,The country is banning all visitors, and residents are barred from traveling overseas while places of worship, schools and business premises will be shut except for markets that supply daily needs, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said in a televised address late Monday. The measures are effective March 18 to 31, he said.也就是说,马来西亚禁止从18-31日要禁止所有旅客入境,以及所有马来西亚护照持有人出国旅行,同时关闭教堂、学校以及大型商超,日常用品不受影响(看来超市要赚钱)!
二、Malaysians returning from overseas must undergo a 14-day self-quarantine, while government and private-sector operations will be shut except for those providing essential services such as utilities, health, banking and food supply。马来西亚人回国的要自我隔离14天,然后政府部门也要部分关闭从而避免聚集,除了一些基本保民生的部门和服务,拒小曹所知,一直以来都有很多马来西亚人在英国赚外汇,因为汇率高所以很多人宁愿黑着也要呆英国打工,那么这波肯定很多马来西亚人从英国回来,没办法谁叫英国那么佛性抗疫呢,所以大概率事件未来一个月左右马来西亚也是会有确诊案例攀升,各位17号要出境的得赶紧。
三、The country has the largest number of confirmed cases in Southeast Asia, with 125 new cases reported on Monday to push the overall tally to 553. Many of the new infections are linked to a religious gathering attended by about 16,000 people at Sri Petaling mosque near Kuala Lumpur, Health Minister Adham Baba said at a separate briefing.今天的确诊案例也有125人,所以首相也紧张了,因为这两天的确诊关联到一个一万六人的宗教聚集,那么这里面会有多少疑似病例,将来可能会确诊多少现在还是未知数,加上马来西亚欧洲务工人员的不断返回,双重压力之下疫情走向可能风险重重啊!