其实就目前而言近期马来西亚禁止入境国家还不算很多,主要就是下面的这几个,Southeast Asia's third-largest economy will also maintain a ban on all arrivals from Hubei, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in China, Hokkaido in Japan, and from Italy, Iran and South Korea. On Thursday, Malaysia also imposed a travel ban on all arrivals from Denmark, effective Saturday.比如说从上面的英语看来,中国的湖北浙江江苏以及日本的北海道,意大利、伊朗、韩国以及最近的丹麦(因为丹麦已经封国)。
但是又有下面的内容,The State Government of Sabah had announced a temporary travel restriction to visitors who hold a People’s Republic of China passports travelling into Sabah;The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee Secretariat announced a temporary entry restriction into Sarawak to all citizens of China and other foreigners who have travelled to China in the last 14 days.比如说东马沙巴禁止所有中国护照持有人入境,哪怕你是工作签也不行,这个已经被小曹从客户口中得到证实,那么砂劳越也是这样,但是如果持有中国护照和申请到砂劳越签证的人就不懂会不会也被拒绝入境,那就非常搞笑和荒唐了。