针对那些人还在马来西亚以外的地方需要到MySejahtera怎么注册来获取疫苗证书(QR code & the pdf)的问题,大家可以参照下面的流程图来操作试试看,根据网友的反馈效果不尽相同,有人欢喜有人愁吧。入境之后突然想要继续逗留久一点要做工签或者sp延期的话再联络。
1、Thanks for this. If for foreigner who is currently abroad, is this a prerequisite to enter Malaysia , or a physical / digital cert from their country is good enough? I have read that the process to update in MySejahtera takes a while so if it’s a prerequisite, might be a good idea to do it first.这个网友认为入境之前完成操作最安全。
2、Dear all, I am not sure if my MySejahtera status got updated because of my much earlier email application or my application on the MySejahtera app but I noticed it was updated about 5 days after I applied using the MySejahtera app.我不确认上传资料后app会被及时更新,因为我在5天后才看到这个结果。
I received an auto reply email after I applied on MySejahtera. One of the statement was that they are experiencing high traffic volume.然后我提前收到了一封回复email说是系统崩溃,呵呵。
3、Hi, sorry hope someone can help answering, may I ask if I still in overseas but complete vaccination then can i do in overseas ? Or must arrive Malaysia only can do? Thank you这个网友问人在其他国家能不能做注册,小曹这里知道肯定是可以的,毕竟网络无国界啊~
4、Oversea vaccinated will not have qr code or pdf, you will only have access to the yellow digital cert on the app.有人说外国的疫苗接种政府没有办法拿到code or pdf,只会拿到一组黄色代码证书,各位试试看咯。
5、I already registered since 8days ago, but still havent received the update yet 😥
Reply. if you uploaded your vac. cert via Mysejahtera helpdesk no. N site – it only took 3 days to have our vac records in the apps. If you used other links provided externally on fb, like me, nothing was updated over a week.我申请等待了8天还是没有收到任何数据更新,有人说是如果你通过Mysejahtera的helpdesk页面申请,那么基本上只会3天左右就可以收到相关更新,但是如果你用其他链接(比如网友分享在脸书)申请的话,基本上一周后都可能没有任何反应。
在中国境内,如何才能注册呢?尝试了好几个邮箱163,Tom,qq 都不行。国内手机注册也不行。还有什么办法吗?因为入境需要这个软件
@在kl 试试Yahoo或者gmail这些吧,不懂的在问我
我刚注册了,为何我进不去页面,也没有看到所谓的help desk[笑哭R]
@hella 自己仔细再找找咯
@lovingta 有时候这个MySejahtera还是很慢的,估计访问量太大了