1、interact [ˌɪntərˈækt] v 交流/沟通/配合,比如说 interact with 与某人的互动
Parenting classes provide a unique opportunity for parents to interact with other parents and share ideas and concerns. Meeting other parents who might be facing similar challenges to you, is a great way to discuss ideas and approaches to parenting and make informed decisions about the approaches.亲子班为父母提供了一个独特的平台,让他们有机会与其他父母互动和交流意见。你遇到的问题很可能也是其他父母面临的,所以亲子班是一个很好的机会,让父母们互相分享经验并做出明智的决策。
2、reflective [rɪˈflektɪv] adj 深思的,比如说reflective listening 反思倾听
Some skills may come naturally to many parents, such as general baby care and many might find it relatively easy to use their own criteria to get through the day of parenting. However some parenting skills such as reflective listening or positive discipline do need to be learned and can be great tools for understanding and dealing with our children.有些技能可能是很多父母天生就具备的,比如基本的婴儿护理,他们可能会觉得按照自己的方式来日常照顾孩子相对轻松。像反思倾听或积极的纪律这样的育儿技巧确实需要学习。这些技巧能帮助家长更有效地理解孩子和与孩子建立良好的关系。
3、raise [reɪz] v.养育 比如说raise children 养育小孩
Parents can also learn a great deal about discipline and handling behavioral problems, for example how to raise healthy and happy children and how to balance respect and responsibility within the family unit.父母在亲子班中也会学到很多关于纪律和处理行为问题的知识,例如如何培养健康快乐的孩子,以及如何平衡家庭成员之间的尊重和责任。
4、trial [ˈtraɪəl] n 审问的这个行为 on trial somebody 审讯某人
Putting a young offender like an adult on trial has devastating effects, especially if they are very young. Many of these juveniles lack the maturity to handle situations, such as the adult court and adult prison.将少年犯像审讯成年人那样对待可能会带来许多不良影响,尤其是当涉及到非常年幼的少年。许多青少年还处于发展阶段,他们尚未成熟,可能无法应对成人法庭和监狱环境的压力。好了各位如果需要快速搞定雅思考试的话可以随时喊我们协助安排哟。